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    Cryptocurrency: The Complete Guide to Understanding Cryptocurrencies

    Beschreibung Cryptocurrency: The Complete Guide to Understanding Cryptocurrencies. The cryptocurrency revolution is here! Learn everything you need to know about cryptocurrency and how you can get involve in the next digital ecosystem. Welcome to the age of cryptocurrency! The use of money or its alternatives can be dated back to the dawn of humanity when bartering was used in lieu of money to buy goods, as the early man began to rear domestic livestock. The first known currency was created by King Alyattes of Lydia, now part of Turkey, in 600 BC. Coins then evolved into bank notes around AD 1661. The first credit card was introduced in 1946. Money has developed from these early roots through to Apple's instant iPhone payments and Bitcoin - the world's first decentralized cryptocurrency. But with the whole arguments and failures of the current banking systems, the corruption and swindling, the cheating and wastage of hard-earned funds, the world is yearning for an improvement. That is what this audiobook will help you see, that there are alternatives, very helpful ones at that, in cryptocurrencies. Not just alternatives from someone who knows nothing about the subject but from a passionate lover and user of cryptocurrency, whose objective is to help you get the best out of life and who wants you to make the best out of your career. The truth is that there are many digital currencies out there that are created for different purposes, and you can choose from them, based on your needs. By getting familiar with the contents of this audiobook, you are not just acquiring more knowledge on cryptocurrencies, but also positioning yourself on a platform that affords you more financial freedom, more opportunities to surpass your contemporaries, and more marketing strategies. Cryptocurrency has come to stay, and with the many countless prospects it affords - many of which are presently unknown even to experts - it can only get better.

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