Beschreibung Help! My Facebook Ads Suck (Help! I'm an Author 1) (English Edition). Get the second edition of this book here: the still-relevant content of this book, plus 100 pages of new information).Have you put up Facebook ads to sell your books time and time again, only to spend a pile of money and not see any sales?You're not alone. I was there too, but now I have quit my day job and make a living selling fiction. Both my initial success and the sustainability of my book sales have come from Facebook ads.In this book, you'll learn how to find the cost per click and sales volumes you'll need to hit to know if an ad is profitable. You'll learn how to target your ads and how to tweak them for maximum returns by age, gender, region.You'll see how to write plot-based ads, character based ads, pure marketing ads, the whole bit.Stop losing money every time you run and ad and instead turn them into book-selling machines.
Help! My Facebook Ads Suck (Help! I'm an Author 1) Kindle ~ My Facebook Ads Suck (Help! I'm an Author 1) eBook: Cooper, Michael, Cooper, Mal: Kindle Store Skip to main content . My Facebook Ads Suck: Second Edition (Help! I'm an Author 2) 4.6 out of 5 stars (39) Kindle Edition . $5.99 . 3. Help! My Launch Plan Sucks (Help! I'm an Author Book 3) 4.5 out of 5 stars (17) Kindle Edition . $4.99 . 4. Help! My Marketing Strategies Suck (Help! I'm an Author .
Help! My Facebook Ads Suck by Michael Cooper ~ My Facebook Ads Suck, came at just the right time. Iâm a relatively new author with no idea about how to promote my books. Now I have a fairly comprehensive roadmap to get me started. Since Iâm not a marketing expert, Iâll have to re-read a few sections, but Iâm sure theyâll become clear as I implement the steps provided.
Help! My Facebook Ads Suck: Simple steps to turn those ads ~ My Facebook Ads Suck (Help! I'm an Author 1) and over 8 million other books are available for Kindle . Learn more. Business, Finance & Law âș E-Commerce âș E-business Share <Embed> Buy New. ÂŁ6.99 & FREE Delivery on your first eligible order to UK or Ireland. Details. Available to ship in 1-2 days. Available as a Kindle eBook. Kindle eBooks can be read on any device with the free .
Help! My Facebook Ads Suck: Simple steps to turn those ads ~ Help! My Facebook Ads Suck: Simple steps to turn those ads around [Cooper, Michael] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Help! My Facebook Ads Suck: Simple steps to turn those ads around
Facebook Ads Help Center: Help, Support and ~ Find out answers to your questions and troubleshoot your Facebook advertising and business pages with our self serve Ads Help Center. Get help & support from Facebook now.
Mobile App Ads / Facebook Business-Hilfebereich ~ Mit App Ads auf Facebook motivierst du Nutzer, deine App zu installieren, sie zu verwenden und auch konkrete Handlungen in der App vorzunehmen, etwa einen Kauf zu tĂ€tigen oder ein neues Level in einem Spiel zu erreichen. Wenn du App Ads möglichst effizient nutzen möchtest, richte das Facebook-SDK (Software Development Kit) fĂŒr deine App ein. So erreichst du die fĂŒr dich wertvollsten .
Facebook Hilfebereich fĂŒr Unternehmen: Hilfe, Support und ~ Hier erhĂ€ltst du Antworten auf deine wichtigsten Fragen und erfĂ€hrst, wie du Facebook for Business optimal nutzt. Im Facebook-Hilfebereich fĂŒr Unternehmen findest du Tipps, Infos zur Problemlösung und LeitfĂ€den dazu, wie du die Facebook-Tools am besten nutzen kannst. Kontaktiere den Support oder sieh dich im Hilfebereich um, um Antworten auf deine wichtigsten Fragen zu erhalten.
/ Facebook Business Help Center ~ Facebook can help your large, medium or small business grow. Get the latest news for advertisers and more on our Facebook for Business Page.
Turn a Facebook Ad On or Off / Facebook Business Help Center ~ You can turn your Facebook campaign, ad set or ad on or off at anytime. If you turn off a campaign, ad set or ad, this does not delete it.
Facebook Ads for Authors: A Step-by-Step Guide / Placeit Blog ~ The Best Facebook Ads for Authors Guide to Advertise E-Books The Definitive Guide To Sell More Books With Facebook Ads. The importance of Facebook Marketing for the success of a business grows as more and more people join Facebook. With 2.20 billion monthly active users reported by the end of June 2018, Facebook stands stronger than ever in .
Applications Submitted / Facebook Business Help Center ~ The number of submit application events attributed to your ads, based on information received from one or more of your connected Facebook Business Tools. How It's Calculated This metric counts submit application events that are tracked by one of your Facebook Business Tools (such as a Facebook pixel, app SDK or offline event set) and attributed to your ads .
Log into Facebook / Facebook ~ Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
Link Ad Accounts to Your App / Facebook Business Help Center ~ To get the most out of your app ads, Facebook recommends linking your ad account with the app you want to run ads for by requesting advertiser permissions for your account. Before you get started: An app needs to first be registered with Facebook before you can link it to your ad account. If the app you want to promote is not registered, learn how to register an app. In order to link your ad .
Facebook - Log In or Sign Up ~ Create an account or log into Facebook. Connect with friends, family and other people you know. Share photos and videos, send messages and get updates.
HELP! My Facebook Ads Suck: Simple steps to turn those ads ~ HELP! My Facebook Ads Suck book. Read 24 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Have you put up Facebook ads to sell your books time and.
Confirm Login / Facebook Business Help Center ~ The Facebook Business Help Center help you find answers to your advertising questions and get fixes, tips, guides and support. Get help from Facebook now.
Registriere deine App / Facebook Business-Hilfebereich ~ Du kannst deine App auf der Facebook fĂŒr Entwickler-Webseite registrieren, wenn du App-Installationen messen und erfassen oder App Engagement Ads schalten möchtest. Wenn du Nutzer nur zum Store weiterleiten möchtest, damit sie dort deine App herunterladen, musst du deine App nicht registrieren.
Link ad accounts to your app / Facebook Business Help Centre ~ To get the most out of your app ads, Facebook recommends linking your ad account with the app that you want to run ads for by requesting advertiser permissions for your account. Before you get started: An app needs to first be registered with Facebook before you can link it to your ad account. If the app you want to promote is not registered, learn how to register an app. In order to link your .
Adobe Digital Editions / Herunterladen ~ Das eBook Erste Schritte (âGetting Startedâ) wird zusammen mit Adobe Digital Editions 4.5.11 installiert. Wenn Sie die Installation als Standardanwender (Anwender ohne Administratorrechte) vornehmen, wird es jedoch nicht installiert. Sollte das eBook nicht installiert sein oder falls Sie es gelöscht haben, können Sie es ĂŒber den folgenden Link herunterladen:
Ads / Facebook Business-Hilfebereich ~ Im Hilfebereich fĂŒr Facebook Business findest du Antworten auf deine Fragen rund um das Thema Werbung und erhĂ€ltst Informationen zur Fehlerbehebung, Tipps, LeitfĂ€den und UnterstĂŒtzung. Jetzt UnterstĂŒtzung von Facebook erhalten.
Die 10 nĂŒtzlichsten Addons fĂŒr Facebook - CHIP ~ Bildzoom, DesignĂ€nderung oder Ad-Blocker - wir stellen Ihnen die zehn nĂŒtzlichsten Addons, Downloads und Plugins fĂŒr Facebook vor.
Logge dich in deinen StarStable-Account ein / Star Stable ~ Wir verwenden Cookies auf unserer Website, um deinen Besuch auf unserer Webseite verbessern zu können. Indem du diese Webseite weiter nutzt, erklÀrst du dich mit unserer Nutzung der Cookies einverstanden.