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    Customer Service Skills for Success (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Customer Service Skills for Success (English Edition). Recipient of the 217 Textbook & Academic Authors Association's Textbook Excellence Award Customer Service Skills for Success by Robert W. Lucas is the top-selling customer service textbook in the United States.The 7th edition addresses real-world customer service issues and provides a variety of updated resources activities examples and tips from the author and active professionals in the industry to gain and hold readers' interest while providing insights into the concepts and skills related to customer service.The text begins with a macro view of what customer service involves today and provides projections for the future then focuses on specific skills and related topics.The 7th edition of Customer Service Skills for Success contains 10 chapters divided into four parts plus the Appendix Glossary and Bibliography.  These parts focus on different aspects of customer service: The Profession Skills for Success Building and Maintaining Relationships and Retaining Customers.  Along with valuable ideas guidance and perspectives readers will also encounter interviews of real-world service providers case study scenarios and activities to help apply concepts learned to real-world situations.  This allows the student to think critically on the issues presented. 

    Buch Customer Service Skills for Success (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Customer Service: Skills for Success 7th edition ~ ISBN: 9781260092509 is an International Student Edition of Customer Service: Skills for Success 7th edition by Robert W. Lucas This ISBN 9781260092509 is Textbook only. It will not come with online access code. Online Access code (should only be purchased when required by an instructor ) sold separately at ISBN 9781260157482 The content of of this title on all formats are the same. Recipient .

    : Customer Service Skills for Success eBook ~ Customer Service Skills for Success - Kindle edition by Lucas. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Customer Service Skills for Success.

    Customer Service Skills for Success - McGraw-Hill Education ~ Customer Service Skills for Success, 7th Edition by Robert Lucas (9781259954078) Preview the textbook, purchase or get a FREE instructor-only desk copy.

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    Customer Service Skills for Success 6th edition / Rent ~ The sixth edition of Customer Service Skills for Success contains 10 chapters divided into three parts, plus the Appendix, Glossary, and Bibliography. These parts focus on different aspects of customer service: (1) The Profession, (2) Skills for Success, and (3) Building and Maintaining Relationships. Along with valuable ideas, guidance, and perspectives, readers will also encounter interviews .

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