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    Strategic Sales Plan: Why Sales Fail and How Wins are Won (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Strategic Sales Plan: Why Sales Fail and How Wins are Won (English Edition). Now you can know with certainty why sales fail and how wins are won.You might be interested to know that most people who sell solutions to customer problems in highly competitive markets use a sales process in which there are usually 8 phases, 44 steps, and potentially 200 action items. No wonder sales sometimes fall apart for no apparent reason. That’s a lot of steps! Who should be tracking them to make sure they get done? Without a checklist, how would they do that?See the documentation and descriptions of these phases, steps and action items in Strategic Sales Plan: Why Sales Fail and How Wins Are Won. The book is 100 pages of research and evidence-based sales expertise written in a numbered and bulleted format making it easy to confirm and validate which of the phases, steps, and action items fit for what you sell.Now you can use this unique book as a sales diagnostic tool to 100% of the time find the patterns of missed steps that cause sales to stop, stall, or fail and find the patterns of steps that when completed will win sales. It’s actually quick and easy to do once you have this information. •Sales managers use it to know which sales will fail before they do and the specific actions items needed to save them. •Sales coaches use it to know what to coach to create sustainable results. •Sales trainers use it to identify what to train to get immediate, measurable results. •Salespeople use it to guide their sales to success. The book is short and has a checklist in the back, so they keep it with them for ready reference. How would you use it? Who do you know that would want to have a copy? Free resource materials and more information about the books and eLearning courses for sales and customer service are available on our website: https://www.SalesHelp.com. Get started by validating each step for what you sell and then review your sales to find your patterns for both losses and wins. Now you know what you must do to win more sales! What a great gift.

    Buch Strategic Sales Plan: Why Sales Fail and How Wins are Won (English Edition) PDF ePub

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