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    Public Relations in Hyper-globalization: Essential Relationship Management - A Japan Perspective (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Public Relations in Hyper-globalization: Essential Relationship Management - A Japan Perspective (English Edition). Achieving your goals quickly and efficiently is both more difficult and more important in today’s hyper-globalized world. A new environment is being created by disruptive technology, radical new business models, digital communications, and a highly integrated global supply chain. It is a world in which a reality TV host and businessman became President of the United States, in which terrorists use social media to recruit members and to broadcast executions, in which the very existence of the nation state is in question, where everyone can communicate globally 24 hours a day at no cost, and in which a leader is much more likely to be at the center of a crisis. Today, successful global leaders will be those that have a working knowledge of strategic public relations as described in this book.For current and future leaders of business and government it is essential to understand the forces creating this very challenging new environment and to acquire a new skill set. This book provides the needed understanding and teaches you the skill of public relations as multi-stakeholder relationship management. It shows how to achieve your goals and objectives when others fail by building win-win outcomes with current and future employees, investors, suppliers, distributors, customers, governments and all the other stakeholders. Written by a veteran public relations professional and a visiting professor of major graduate schools of management.

    Buch Public Relations in Hyper-globalization: Essential Relationship Management - A Japan Perspective (English Edition) PDF ePub

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