Beschreibung Accessing the Media: How to Get Good Press. Accessing the Media takes the listener behind the scenes to understand how best to work with press to get publicity. Perfect for politicians, business leaders, lobbyists, and media junkies, this reference provides an insider's look at how the modern newsroom works, detailing the different roles of reporters, editors, and producers. Listeners will learn how to forge relationships with media personnel in television, radio, print, and the web to craft the press coverage they want. Award-winning journalist Jill Osborn exposes the three strategic steps that must be used to gain favorable coverage with the media at just the right time. She gives you the inside scoop on how to think like a national or local journalist so you can control the headlines. And she even provides sample press releases to help shape your message. When reading Accessing the Media, you will have a personal media consultant without the cost of hiring one. Whether you are running for office, looking to improve visibility for your business, or simply want a deeper understanding of what you see and read in the news, Accessing the Media is the perfect guide to getting your story out to the world.
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