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    The Publicist's Playbook: The Essential Guide to Agency PR (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Publicist's Playbook: The Essential Guide to Agency PR (English Edition). Valuable operational nuggets pepper this PR book that transcends media relations, social platforms & content creation. Benefit from unique client service insights collected over an extensive career that can easily be implemented by agency owners and agency employees. This is real-world PR advice for real-world agency life!“So readable, so practical and so enjoyable.” - Bev GoldmanPR practitioner, published author and serial optimist Ivan Booth holds an advanced marketing qualification from the University of Cape Town and Bachelor‘s degree from the University of South Africa. His 21 years in the PR industry span consulting, corporate and agency interaction with such global leaders as Vodafone, MTN Group, the Internet Society, Mobile Marketing Association and dotAfrica.“[A] PR expert with a knack for jazzing-up otherwise mundane press releases.” - Business Day

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