Beschreibung Public Relations and Communication Management in Europe: A Nation-by-Nation Introduction to Public Relations Theory and Practice (Mouton Reader) (English Edition). The book challenges the notion that public relations in Europe is no more than a copy of the Anglo-American approach. It presents a nation-by-nation introduction to historical public relations developments and current topics in European countries, written by noted national experts in public relations research and well-known professionals who are able to oversee the situation in their own countries. The contributions take an "insider" point of view and combine researched facts and figures with qualitative observations and personal reviews. In addition, the book provides conceptual statements that offer an insight into theoretical approaches.
De Gruyter - Bücher aus diesem Verlag (ISBN beginnen mit ~ Public Relations and Communication Management in Europe: A Nation-by-Nation Introduction to Public Relations Theory and Practice (Mouton Reader) '' 978-3-11-916799-4: Ursula Bredel: Die Interpunktion des Deutschen: Ein kompositionelles System zur Online-Steuerung des Lesens (Linguistische Arbeiten) '' 978-3-11-916800-7: Petra S. Fiero: Zwischen Enthüllen und Verstecken: Eine Analyse von .
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