Beschreibung Introduction to Media Distribution: Film, Television, and New Media (English Edition). Introduction to Media Distribution offers a clear, direct and comprehensive overview of the entire film, television and new media distribution business, valuable to both students and professionals. In this book, author Scott Kirkpatrick draws from over a decade of personal experience in the distribution arena to explore what fuels the distribution process, and explains in real-world terms how the business works from beginning to end—not merely what happens to a film or television series after a distributor acquires it, but how distributors develop, pre-sell and broker deals on content before it even exists. Kirkpatrick covers deal structures, release strategies, acquisition approaches, rights sales, international co-productions, tax credits, audience research, global regulatory boards, and even ‘behind closed doors’ monetization practices. The book offers:A straightforward, clear and insightful approach to understanding the fundamental basics of how the global distribution marketplace works, and how distribution companies actually operate and create the content they need;An insider’s analysis of all levels of the business with an emphasis on the independent scene, the root from where development in the industry grows;A comprehensive overview of how film and television markets and festivals work, and how buyers and sellers actually broker deals in the field;Detailed explanations of how each media right is defined and windowed to maximize potential revenue; A detailed overview of several major international territories, and how each operates within the context of the global media business; Guidance and advice from an industry expert on how one can initiate their professional career in the entertainment industry, applicable to individuals in all roles;A robust appendix containing in-depth studies of legal definitions, material delivery requirements, territory-by-territory financial projections, and more.An accompanying eResource offers template contracts, sample agreements, and further resources for download.
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