Beschreibung Now Is Too Late2: Survival In An Era Of Instant News (English Edition). Crisis communication will never be the same. New and rapidly emerging technologies create instant news and instant networks and communities. The old days of simply responding to the media are gone forever. Organization leaders and communicators need to meet the new demands for instant, direct and transparent communication. These changes are illustrated through numerous telling case studies and examples. The first edition, published in 2002, helped spark a revolution in how organizations prepared to meet major crises. This edition includes new chapters on "Blogwars" and "Ultimate Communicator."
Now Is Too Late2: Survival in an Era of Instant News ~ Now is Too Late 2 is your essential resource for survival in today s era of instant news. The arrival of blogs and other instant news outlets have dramatically increased both the risks and opportunities for crisis communicators. With the potential of such threats to your company s reputation developing at almost any time, you must be prepared. Baron s advice? Be honest. Be instant. Be direct .
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