Beschreibung Be Your Own Best Publicist: How to Use PR Techniques to Get Noticed, Hired, and Rewarded at Work (English Edition). In one of the toughest job markets in more than 20 years, applying the art of self-promotion is more vital than ever. Be Your Own Best Publicist shows anyone looking to land a new job, attract freelance assignments, stay essential in a current position, or get that coveted promotion, how they can use public relations skills to achieve his or her goals. Written by seasoned public relations pros Jessica Kleiman and Meryl Weinsaft Cooper, this helpful, easy-to-follow guide breaks down the fundamentals of PR and how to implement them to successfully promote yourself.Be Your Own Best Publicist will teach you how to: Set a personal PR strategy that gets resultsBuild key message points and deliver them with styleCraft the perfect "pitch" for each situationNetwork and develop relationships that will help you get aheadUse creativity to stand out from the competitionThrough humorous, informative anecdotes plus user-friendly tips and exercises, Be Your Own Best Publicist will arm you with the confidence, knowledge and tactics to help you market yourself in the workplace. Jessica Kleiman and Meryl Weinsaft Cooper have a combined 30-plus years experience in the public relations industry, having worked both in-house and on the agency side.
Be Your Own Best Publicist How To Use Pr Techniques To Get ~ Get Noticed Hired And Rewarded At Work Be Your Own Best Publicist "Be Your Own Best Publicist is your guide to standing out from the competition. From developing a communication plan to networking effectively, Jessica and Meryl will teach you everything you need to know about how to leverage PR for career success."--Dan Schawbel, #1 .
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