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    INSTAGRAM ROCKETSHIP: Accelerate Your Journey In 9 Powerful Steps (English Edition)

    Beschreibung INSTAGRAM ROCKETSHIP: Accelerate Your Journey In 9 Powerful Steps (English Edition). Instagram Rocketship shares everything from the basics right through to the Growth Hacks that larger accounts don't want you to know about. This book is for everyone whether you are a small business owner, larger corporate company, marketer or even an individual who want to gain exposure for themselves to then turn in to an online brand.Instagram Rocketship helps you;1. Build a large following FAST. 2. Convert followers into DOLLARS.3. Create an online BRAND.4. Gain real tangible RESULTS.5. Grow a targeted FOLLOWING.It not only saves you TIME but also MONEY which is what every business owner and marketer wants! Instagram Rocketship if for everyone even those with absolutley NO FOLLOWERS, it generates TARGETED followers which equate to WARM leads on a continual basis which you guess it equates to easier sales!You will learn numerous techniques as you are walked through this easy step by step guide which will increase your knowledge to that of an Instagram expert such as;- How to get celebrities to endorse your products or services. - How to leverage larger Instagram accounts.- How to get verified on Instagram.- How to auto-schedule your Instagram post and stories.- How to use Hashtags.- How to sell on Instagram.- How to run direct message campaigns.- How to automate your Instagram account.- How to drive traffic to your website.- How to acquire a unique username.- How to research your Ideal Customer. Instagram Rocketship was written with the sole intention of helping entrepreneurs gain real tangible results by saving them time, make them money and elevate their lives to the next level.

    Buch INSTAGRAM ROCKETSHIP: Accelerate Your Journey In 9 Powerful Steps (English Edition) PDF ePub

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