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    The Salesperson's Secret Code

    Beschreibung The Salesperson's Secret Code. What makes a great salesperson? What beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors are linked to being a top performing salesperson? What impact does culture, industry, and sales context have? And does a formal sales methodology or process make a difference? This book is for any sales professional, or indeed anyone involved in the sales process of their company, who wants to learn the secrets of successful selling.  Based on interviews and analyses (qualitative and quantitative) of thousands of the world's leading salespeople, across a mix of industries, cultures, and context, the authors present the most rigorous evaluation of how salespeople behave and how they are driven. In doing so, they reveal the secret code behind consistent and high-level success in sales. The authors of The Salesperson's Secret Code combine hard data with intelligent insight to tell, with verve and skill, how the world s best salespeople continue to thrive in uncertain times and how others can learn from their success.

    Buch The Salesperson's Secret Code PDF ePub

    The Salesperson's Secret Code - The Belief Systems That ~ A book for any sales professional, who wants to learn the secrets of successful selling. Based on interviews and analyses of 300 of the world's leading salespeople. *Also appeared in May Buyer's Notes*

    Buch: Salesperson's Secret Code - Mills, Ian; Ridley, Mark ~ Salesperson's Secret Code: The belief systems that distinguish winners: Mills, Ian; Ridley, Mark; Laker, Ben; Chapman, Tim - ISBN 9781911498766

    The Salesperson's Secret Code- LID Publishing ~ The authors of The Salesperson s Secret Code combine hard data with intelligent insight to show, with verve and skill, how the world s best salespeople continue to thrive in uncertain times and how others can learn from their success. Sales is now an integral part of every role, making this an essential read for all business professionals. Daniel Pink, author of Drive and To Sell is Human This .

    The Salesperson's Secret Code - Ian Mills, Mark Ridley ~ The Salesperson's Secret Code von Ian Mills, Mark Ridley, Ben Laker - Englische Bücher zum Genre Werbung & Marketing günstig & portofrei bestellen im Online Shop von Ex Libris.

    The Salesperson's Secret Code: The Belief Systems That ~ The Salespersons Secret Code is very refreshing. Based on rigorous psychological research, it examines what differentiates the average seller from the iconic sellers. The research has thrown up, what are termed the 5 "destination beliefs". Not surprisingly, these are connected to the mental or "inner game" of selling. The book goes on to explore each of these in depth through "Journey .

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