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    Public Speaking: 10 Simple Methods to Build Confidence, Overcome Shyness, Increase Persuasion and Become Great at Public Speaking (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Public Speaking: 10 Simple Methods to Build Confidence, Overcome Shyness, Increase Persuasion and Become Great at Public Speaking (English Edition). Does the thought of speaking before a crowd send chills down your spine? Do you find the thought of getting a standing ovation to be magical and wonder if it can ever happen to you? If these are your questions then this book has all the answers for you. Public speaking may seem complex but it’s a skill that can be learned and mastered.Studies have shown that the fear of public speaking can have an impact on your career. Those who fear public speaking are making 10% less wages on the average. Fear of public speaking also hinders promotion to management positions by 15%. According to various research studies, your delivery is as important as the content. In this book, we will discover a step-by-step guide on what public speaking entails and how you can build confidence and increase your persuasion skills as a great speaker. Whether you are looking for ways to influence large groups, or you’re in the process of making the sales pitch to win the contract, you will find Public Speaking: 10 Simple Methods to Build Confidence, Overcome Shyness, Increase Persuasion and Become Great at Public Speaking to be quite helpful.This book is packed with innovative tools and tips that have the potential of transforming your public speaking capabilities. Whether you’re struggling with confidence issues, shyness and all manner of fear that make you tremble whenever an opportunity rises for you to speak, you can completely transform that into becoming a captivating speaker that leaves any audience yearning for more.In this book you will discover;In-depth information and exercises that can help you build confidence and improve your speaking skills.The secrets of great speakers - What they use to inspire and captivate their audience.The importance of being authentic and true to yourself and why audiences connect well with such speakers.How to develop persuasion skills and engage your audience effectively.Speech creation and voice preparation for effective communication.There are lots of information on public speaking, finding a simple book that shares tangible information in a step-by-step format like this one is worth trying out. Are you still wondering whether this book is ideal for you? Considering the numerous benefits that come with attaining public speaking mastery, you will definitely find answers to all those burning questions on public speaking.Go ahead and grab this copy by clicking on the buy button and begin working on your public speaking skills.

    Buch Public Speaking: 10 Simple Methods to Build Confidence, Overcome Shyness, Increase Persuasion and Become Great at Public Speaking (English Edition) PDF ePub

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    7 Ways to Overcome Shyness & Social Anxiety ~ The number of adults who struggle with shyness greatly exceeds that number. Fortunately, there are some effective strategies to overcome shyness and social anxiety and gain confidence: 1. Act .

    Better Public Speaking - Communication Skills From ~ The Importance of Public Speaking. Even if you don't need to make regular presentations in front of a group, there are plenty of situations where good public speaking skills can help you advance your career and create opportunities.. For example, you might have to talk about your organization at a conference, make a speech after accepting an award, or teach a class to new recruits.

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