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    8-Second PR: Energize Your Story For Ultimate Media Success! (English Edition)

    Beschreibung 8-Second PR: Energize Your Story For Ultimate Media Success! (English Edition). 8-Second PR is a "New Crash Course in Public Relations""Follow the advice in this book. It will not only help you become better at the PR game, but become a better writer and better marketer, as well." - Jess Todtfeld, CSP, former TV producer at ABC, NBC and FOX, media trainer, speaker, and author (Media Secrets)"Kelly's booked thousands of media interviews for PR clients, including CNN, CBS Health Watch, FOX News, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, NPR and more, making 8-Second PR a go-to guide for anyone with a brand story to promote." - Bill Harrison, co-founder, Radio-TV Interview Report (RTIR) and National Publicity SummitAward-Winning Book can help Increase Brand Awareness, Sales and Raving Fans using an 8-Step PR ProcessWith the average attention span of an adult being 8 seconds, this new public relations crash course can help you break through all the noise and get the immediate attention of reporters and fans for your business, product or book. 8-Second PR is a fun public relations for dummies guide with case study examples and publicity tips based on the author booking thousands of media interviews (TODAY Show, MSNBC, CNN, BBC World News, TIME Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, Business Insider, NPR and more).As a public relations textbook being used by California State University SB, you'll walk away with a proven 8-step roadmap for how to continually get your name in the headlines. And by applying these new rules of marketing and PR, you will increase brand awareness, sales and loyal customers! You'll learn Public Relations Secrets that most media agencies would never share, including: 1. How to build and promote a Wow Story with a proven 8-Step Story Energizer Process.2. How to write powerful press releases that get picked up by hundreds of media online.3. How to write meaningful media pitches with timely topics to secure more interviews.4. How to score hundreds of major media interviews with print, radio, podcast and TV outlets.5. How to hammer home messages, so you increase sales and get invited back.6. How to maximize your Digital Marketing results with Word-of-Mouth and Influencer Marketing.7. How to do media follow-up with reporters, and reinvent your brand story for continuous coverage.8. Plus 8 New PR Superpowers that together can make a brand unstoppable!

    Buch 8-Second PR: Energize Your Story For Ultimate Media Success! (English Edition) PDF ePub

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