Beschreibung Ads for Authors Who Hate Math: Write Faster, Write Smarter (English Edition). Run your ads in 30 minutes a day Advertising is scary stuff, especially if you hate spreadsheets. If that's you, take heart! This book will teach you how to run profitable advertising campaigns using a simple aggregate sales model. You don't need complex spreadsheets. You will not spend hours puzzling over read-through, and cost per click.You'll invest that time learning to find better images, and writing better marketing copy. You'll learn how to refine audiences, and the best part? You'll learn how to fit all this into 30 minute chunks. You'll learn to systematize your ad spend in a sustainable way that frees you up to write. The book includes a breakdown of the Facebook, Amazon, Reddit, and BookBub advertising platforms with a list of pros and cons, and recommendations on how and where to use each platform. You'll learn to pick the right platform, and then how to grow and prune ads on that platform.Are you ready to start advertising profitably?
Ads for Authors Who Hate Math: Write Faster, Write Smarter ~ Ads for Authors Who Hate Math: Write Faster, Write Smarter - Kindle edition by Fox, Chris. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Ads for Authors Who Hate Math: Write Faster, Write Smarter.
Write Faster, Write Smarter (8 book series) Kindle Edition ~ Kindle Edition by Chris Fox (Author) . Ads for Authors Who Hate Math: Write Faster, Write Smarter by Chris Fox (Author) 4 . I'm far better known for the Write Faster, Write Smarter series, and have spoken all over the country about writing to market, making your writing a habit, and quitting your day job to become an author. My true love though? Science fiction and fantasy. I love .
Ads for Authors Who Hate Math by Chris Fox / Audiobook ~ Launch to Market: Easy Marketing for Authors; Write Faster, Write Smarter, Book 4 By: Chris Fox Narrated by: Ryan Kennard Burke Length: 1 hr and 45 mins Unabridged Overall 5 out of 5 stars 87 Performance 5 out of 5 stars 74 Story 5 out of 5 stars 74 Launch to Market provides a simple system to plan, track, and execute your book launch. It covers the basics of marketing in an easy-to-understand .
Write Faster, Write Smarter (8 book series) Kindle Edition ~ Ads for Authors Who Hate Math: Write Faster, Write Smarter by Chris Fox (Author) 4.7 . I'm far better known for the Write Faster, Write Smarter series, and have spoken all over the country about writing to market, making your writing a habit, and quitting your day job to become an author. My true love though? Science fiction and fantasy. I love worldbuilding. I love storytelling. I've been .
5, 000 Words Per Hour: Write Faster, Write Smarter ~ 5, 000 Words Per Hour: Write Faster, Write Smarter - Kindle edition by Fox, Chris. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading 5, 000 Words Per Hour: Write Faster, Write Smarter.
Six Figure Author: Using Data to Sell Books (Write Faster ~ As for the history of writing a series (this brief point *IS* definitely a digression from my points above, so it has no affect on my rating of the book), back in the 70s and 80s authors took to writing a series (especially in science fiction and fantasy), not because of Tolkien — LOTR is *NOT* a trilogy, after all — but because it made it easier for an author to fulfill their contractual .
Relaunch Your Novel: Breathe Life Into Your Backlist ~ You've subscribed to Write Faster, Write Smarter! We will preorder your items within 24 hours of when they become available. When new books are released, we'll charge your default payment method for the lowest price available during the pre-order period.
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Mastering Descriptions: An Author's Guide ~ Mastering Descriptions: An Author's Guide: Copywriting for Authors - Kindle edition by Meeks, Brian D., Wolf, Ben. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Mastering Descriptions: An Author's Guide: Copywriting for Authors.
Reader Magnets: Build Your Author Platform and Sell more ~ This was recommended in Six Figure Author: Using Data to Sell Books (Write Faster, Write Smarter Book 5), so I followed the suggestion. I’m pleased that I did. Loads of books say you should build up a mailing list, but not many say exactly how you go about it. Even fewer say what you do with the list.
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