Beschreibung Conscious Money: How to Master the Art of Sales by Mastering Oneself (English Edition). Get Better Results in Sales and Marketing by Learning to Develop and Sell Yourself FirstDo you struggle to sell your product or service? Are you self-employed and having trouble generating business? Are you a salesperson who’s frustrated by your subpar income? Can you honestly say you’re doing “all you can” to succeed – and still not seeing results?If you answered yes to any of the above questions, chances are you’re not looking for improvement in the right places. Top millennial sales expert and self-development guru Bauer Doski is here to help. Conscious Money: How to Master the Art of Sales by Mastering Oneself is an action-packed thrill ride through the world of sales, marketing and self-development.Doski has worked in sales for more than a decade, owning and selling multiple successful startups and becoming a top sales performer at several Fortune 500 companies. Her secret? Wrapping self-development into her sales skills, making the two work hand-in-hand.This is the secret ingredient you’re missing.Inside this book, you’ll learn:The subtle but critical relationship between self-improvement and salesWhat it means to sell yourself, and why that’s not just an empty phraseWho counts as a salesperson (this will surprise you!)The role purpose plays in your life and successHow your virtues contribute to your ability to close the dealThe best ways to improve any character traits that fall short of the markWhich mantras are actually effective at improving your success and self-loveWhat the Law of Attraction really means in your life (no, it’s not just a cliché!)How to get your own financial ducks in a row so you can speak knowledgeably about money to othersHow to cultivate abundance in every corner of your lifeBauer’s true secret of success is her ability to fall in love, not only with her career, but with herself. Without true passion for both self-development and business growth, she would never have succeeded and gotten to where she is today.Luckily, that’s a teachable skill. Through applying the right techniques and performing rewarding exercises, you can become more confident in yourself and your marketing abilities at the same time.You can become the person others want to work with and purchase from. You can become someone that clients and customers clamor to get a piece of, and it’s not even that hard. All you have to do is make the commitment to learning today.Buy this book NOW to improve yourself and therefore your business, finally breaking through that ceiling and hitting your dream targets! It’s your turn to shine, so don’t wait!Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!
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