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    Writing Killer Cover Copy (Indie Inspiration for Self-Publishers Book 2) (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Writing Killer Cover Copy (Indie Inspiration for Self-Publishers Book 2) (English Edition). Craft cover copy that will convert browsers into buyers at a higher rate, entice readers to buy and read immediately, and sell more books!Writing killer cover copy is an essential skill for anyone who's written a book, especially authors running their own self-publishing business. Combined with the cover of a book, it's the most essential piece in an Indie author's arsenal that can help increase conversions and sell more books. And the best part? Authors have ultimate control over their cover copy! You can write killer cover copy that will increase your bottom line, and it's time to stop thinking you can't. This short guide isn't bogged down with stories or fluff. It lays out the essential parts of winning cover copy in easy-to-understand language with actionable steps.Get inspired in your Indie career with Elana, a multiple USA Today bestseller, Kindle All-Star Author, and author of over 120 novels!Other books in the Indie Inspiration series:1. Writing and Releasing Rapidly2. Writing Killer Cover Copy3. Writing and Marketing Systems (coming soon!)

    Buch Writing Killer Cover Copy (Indie Inspiration for Self-Publishers Book 2) (English Edition) PDF ePub

    : Writing Killer Cover Copy (Indie Inspiration ~ Writing Killer Cover Copy (Indie Inspiration for Self-Publishers Book 2) - Kindle edition by Johnson, Elana M. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Writing Killer Cover Copy (Indie Inspiration for Self-Publishers Book 2).

    Writing Killer Cover Copy (Indie Inspiration for Self ~ WRITING KILLER COVER COPY is meant for indie authors who want to write better book descriptions for online retailers, but Johnson’s approach will work equally well for authors who want to write query letters that will entice agents and editors. Before going indie, Johnson herself was traditionally published and wrote for the Query Tracker blog, so I believe her approach—with minor tweaking .

    Writing and Releasing Rapidly (Indie Inspiration for Self ~ Writing and Releasing Rapidly (Indie Inspiration for Self-Publishers Book 1) - Kindle edition by Johnson, Elana M. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Writing and Releasing Rapidly (Indie Inspiration for Self-Publishers Book 1).

    Book Cover Design for Indie Authors ~ As an indie author, it’s your prerogative to do things your way, including choosing the cover design for your self-published book. While trade-published authors often dislike the covers picked by their publishers, that doesn’t mean their publishers have got it wrong. Though it may seem that all book covers in a particular genre start to look the same (take the trend for headless women on .

    Indie Author's Guide to the Top 10 Self-Publishing ~ The royalty percentages depend on the book's pricing, but if an eBook is priced at $2.99 or above, the author receives a 70% royalty (it goes down to 35% if the book is priced under $2.99). The royalty split is different for paperbacks. There are also a number of user-friendly how-to guides on the KDP site itself. Once learned, the process is quick and easy.

    Home / Print & Ebook Covers designed to Sell Your Book ~ A KillerCover Ebook Cover designed exclusively for you will ensure you do stand out, and sell more! Whether you sell your ebook or give it away free, you will be amazed by how many more downloads you will get if you have a KillerCover Ebook Cover on it. Don't believe me? Go ahead, try it, click here to download one of our FREE ebook covers. Put .

    Indie Authors: How To Choose A Copyeditor — Alliance of ~ I need a copy editor 
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    Self-Publishing ~ Wir glauben, jeder sollte ungeachtet seiner finanziellen Möglichkeiten die Chance haben, sein Buch zu veröffentlichen. Wir halten es fĂŒr eine große Errungenschaft, dass heute der Markt, also die Leser ĂŒber den Erfolg entscheiden und wir glauben, dass schon lange vorhandene Vielfalt und Meinungsfreiheit durch Self-Publishing endlich sichtbar wird. Ziele von Autoren sind unterschiedlich .

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    Self-Publishing / Self-Publishing Companies / Publishing A ~ Our knowledgeable designers will create a book cover that nabs attention on bookshelves and in online retail shops. Basic cover design (for both print & eBook formats) is included with your Complete Self-Publishing Package. Printed book distribution. Selling your book in a real bookshop feels good. But selling your book in the biggest stores to readers all over the world? That’s a dream come .

    The Ultimate Copywriting Resource List / The Copywriter Club ~ It covers the basics: suggestions for writing all kinds of projects and ideas for making your copy better. The Well-fed Writer by Peter Bowerman. Focused on the business side of “commercial writing”, this book is a bit dated, but it includes a lot of information that will help you get started. If you’re struggling to create a pipeline of .

    Indie Publishing vs. Self- Publishing vs. Traditional ~ Have written a memoir or self-help book, a spiritual book, cook book, etc., that won't be readily greeted with open arms by an agent or traditional publisher -- these people have something to say, but maybe not to a huge, mainstream audience. The writing is decent, the story interesting, but it will never land in the hands of a traditional publishing company. They may want to directly self .

    Free book design templates and tutorials - DIY Book Covers ~ Derek Murphy's Cover Design Secrets should be mandatory reading for any writer who is on the verge of publishing. More than just listing the do's and dont's of effective covers, (read: those details that catch a reader's eye and COMPEL them to buy), Derek explains WHY these choices should be made and gives cover examples throughout his book.

    Indie Publishing Manual: Self-Publishing Handbook (English ~ Jo Robinson uses her expertise as an indie author to walk you through the how-tos of self-publishing, from actual writing practices to publishing on , and some useful subjects in between, like formatting for Kindle and choosing a cover. This book has it all and Jo's style of writing is authentic and helpful. She also provides indie services, for which I recently used, and I couldn't be .

    The Indie Publishing Life - The Book Designer ~ Learning from Other Self-Publishers. Indie publishing is a field full of helpful, active, intelligent people. You had the drive to write, publish and market your book, and that sets you apart from many people who only dream of doing what you’ve done. Hearing from other self-publishers is a powerful way to connect to the drive that’s common in us all. Self-Publisher With Drive: The Amazing .

    Self-Editing for Indie Authors: 5 Top Tips ‱ Indie Author ~ One of the big draws of indie publishing is that the author keeps more of the money pie. Instead of earning pennies for each book sale, the independent author makes a few bucks. A badly behaved business principle is that you often have to spend money to make money. You need to hire a graphic artist to get an attractive and enticing cover .

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    Design Book Covers with Canva's Free Book Cover Maker ~ Canva’s collection of book cover layouts is the best on the web! Our team of awesome designers have worked hard to create quality layouts which will help your book look professional and sell out. You won’t need to spend hundreds hiring a designer when you create your own awesome cover in Canva’s book cover maker. Promote your book with Canva

    APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur—How to Publish a Book ~ The Author section is not a "how to write a book" guide - it's more of a "why to write a book" guide. It won't give you loads of tips on the craft of writing, but it will make you think long and hard about why you might want to write and what you want to get out of it. In short, don't self-publish a book if you want to get rich! However, Guy makes clear how emotionally challenging and .

    Suchergebnis auf fĂŒr: copywriting ~ Copywriting: 4 Books In 1 - Learn How To Write Copy And Content That Sells And How To Write And Self-Publish Your Non-Fiction Book (English Edition) von Joseph Robinson / 22. Februar 2020

    How To Market A Book: Third Edition (Books for Writers ~ In the writing game, the cover designers, editors, book promoters, and advice experts can make a good living out of those who sweat blood trying to write the best books they possibly can. It’s a long, hard road, and although books like this appear to provide the answer, I would advise caution. There is no magic bullet; and as in many other walks of life money talks the loudest. By all means .

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    Writer Dad (English Edition) eBook: Platt, Sean M.: ~ His book Writing Online makes a great companion to this one, with loads of great advice for writers. This book however is much more personal and as a result was even more inspiring for me and I believe will be for any writer. I'm on my second year of full-time writing whilst this book gives a good perspective as it spans five years of Sean's writing career. I'm currently paying the bills with .