Beschreibung Tailored Thinkers: The Masters of Perception and Persuasion (English Edition). Tailored Thinkers is a lively conversation about the world of communications consultancy. The book mixes psychology, sociology and philosophy to get to the heart of the industry’s value: its people, and what they have to offer. In his debut book, Colm Woods draws from a decade of experience to offer an honest, witty and insightful insider’s interrogation of the approaches, ideas and thinkers who can teach us all to communicate better. Over the last two decades, the communications industry has successfully emerged from the cloak-and-dagger shadows to become a show-stopping, hundred-billion-dollar global industry. The profession is accessible, creative, and attracts some of the brightest minds you’ll ever meet. It’s also proving lucrative, with traditional consulting and advisory firms now buying their way in.Ironically, however, it remains largely misunderstood – both inside and out. Best practice has been hijacked and muddied by headline and profit-grabbing game-changers, self-proclaimed gurus and influencers, and increasingly-specialist specialists. Often to the detriment of the those within its ranks.Maybe, the advice we’ve been sold is not the advice we’ve needed. And yet, the advice we have to sell is more necessary than ever. Traditional media readership and viewership has been plummeting for over a decade now. The keyboard warriors have changed the status quo. The trusted have become the untrustworthy and mass hysteria has infected every scroll of any screen we come across. What is said or done, is eternalized in the pixels and databases of our digitally-dependent lives, and our times are defined by intense division, polarizing perceptions and fundamental misunderstandings. Now is not the time to mess up. Now is not the time for doubt.As the complexity, scale, and diversity of our professional challenges are rising, the author combines anecdote, analogy, famous thinkers, and practical learnings to show that the solutions can be incredibly simple.This is not ‘the’ book on communications but ‘a’ book on it. So, whether this is your first foray on the topic or you’re a seasoned agency CEO, there’s something for everyone in the fast-paced world of Tailored Thinkers.
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