Beschreibung Amazon FBA Mastery: Your 5-Days Beginner To Expert Guide In Selling Highly Profitable Private Label Products On Amazon (Business & Money Series Book 10) (English Edition). Your time is precious, so is mine, so let's get straight to the point...You have a job which you're using to make ends meet but it's not giving you the freedom you need to spend more time with your family.You wish you had something on the side that will provide you with excess cash to not only spend time with your loved ones, but also to invest and work towards early retirement.If this is you, then you're in the right place.The Amazon FBA business model has helped countless people achieve financial freedom, not least me. I have seen firsthand the power of leveraging the Amazon platform to sell products that meet peoples needs and puts money in your pocket.I was once working a full time job and this business helped me transition to a business owner working for myself. This is why I'm confident the information in this book will do the same for you - if that's your desire.In this step-by-step manual, you'll discover:How the Amazon FBA business model worksHow to find profitable and low competition products to sell on AmazonSpecific tools you need for different aspect of the Amazon FBA process (including one that helps you to minimise refunds!) A step-by-sep breakdown of the costs involved in starting an Amazon FBA business9 key criteria for selecting a product that sells like crazyHow to create artificial demand for products that have little or no demandThe one big mistake beginners make that result in significant Amazon storage fees - and how you can avoid it The profile of products that are most likely to attract litigations (you need to stay clear of them)6 places you can find reliable suppliers5 ways to evaluate supplier reliability (one of which will help you avoid potential seizures and litigations)5 ways to spot shady suppliers (you'll be surprised)Shipping strategy that will allow you to take advantage of the “holiday rush” in decemberHow to effectively launch your product and gather reviewsThe key characteristics of an attention grabbing image (you need to take advantage of these in your product photos!)3 ways to optimise your Amazon product listings to increase conversions and boost sales 7 simple and effective ways to cross-sell any complementary products you haveHow you can take a cue from IKEA’s playbook to sell a LOT of complementary productsHow to scale your Amazon FBA business to $10,000 a month and beyond...and much, much more! Ofcourse all the information in this book is available on the web for free. However, would you rather spend countless hours seiving through the internet for them or would you rather have it compiled for you in a format that is easy to digest and begin implemeting?Those who know the value of leverging other peoples time and resources will see the tremendous opportunity awaiting them in this book.If thats you, I look forward to helping you on this journey.Scroll up, click the "Buy Now" button and lets get started!★★PLEASE NOTE★★: Amazon will make the kindle version of this book available to you for FREE when you purchase the paperback version TODAY.
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