Beschreibung Help! My Facebook Ads Suck: Second Edition (Help! I'm an Author 2) (English Edition). Learn how to make great ads, and quickly spot the lemons.Second Edition updated with new strategies such as audience stacking, personalized audience creation, and more.Have you put up Facebook ads to sell your books time and time again, only to spend a pile of money and not see any sales?You're not alone. We were there too, but now we've have quit our day jobs and make a living selling fiction. Both our initial successes and the sustainability of our book sales have come from Facebook ads.In this book, you'll learn how to find the cost per click and sales volumes you'll need to hit to know if an ad is profitable. You'll learn how to target your ads and how to tweak them for maximum returns by age, gender, region.You'll see how to write plot-based ads, character based ads, pure marketing ads, the whole bit.Stop losing money every time you run an ad and instead turn them into book-selling machines.
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