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    Fast PR: Give Yourself a Huge Media Boost

    Beschreibung Fast PR: Give Yourself a Huge Media Boost. It doesn't matter if you're an entrepreneur, CEO, politician, campaigner, or a combination of all these things. If you're planning to listen to this book, then I'm going to call you a "media wannabe". You want results. You want PR. You want to be in the newspapers, magazines, online, basically everywhere - and fast. But PR agencies suck. They trade on fear. They tell you that you can't do it yourself. That it's too complicated. But that's all bollocks - and it's precisely why you only get to see the PR agency's MD once, right at the start. After that, they're dust, and once you've signed, you get to deal with a 22-year-old account manager with bum fluff. This audiobook lifts the lid. It's everything PR agencies won't tell you. Because, take it from me - a senior, long-in-the-tooth, behind-the-scenes media operator - when you know what works and what doesn't, PR is actually quite simple. Fast PR is the book I always wanted to read or listen to when I started my own career. It has well over a 100 brand-new, genuinely practical PR ideas for motivated, intelligent people - like you. There's no waffle, and it's not patronizing. It's not full of crappy jargon, and it doesn't mince words. It's just sound, no-nonsense stuff that delivers real results. I've worked really hard to make this book as short and accessible as possible, and all the ideas, insights, tips and tricks in this book are real. They work for my clients. And they will work for you, too. The book also has additional exclusive advice and insights from senior figures in the media world. I've met and interviewed these people for my Media Masters podcast, and they're all major players. They've either already changed the direction of the media or are currently busy shaping its future. Anyone can learn how to do their own PR - get in the press, on TV and radio, and get results. You don't need a PR agency. All you need is this audiobook, a computer, your mobile phone...and some ambition.

    Buch Fast PR: Give Yourself a Huge Media Boost PDF ePub

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