Beschreibung ForbesBooks: Challenge Everything: The Battle Cry That Blew Sh*t Up And INVNTd Live Brand Storytelling (English Edition). In CHALLENGE EVERYTHING™ THE BATTLE CRY THAT BLEW SH*T UP AND INVNTd LIVE BRAND STORYTELLING™ Scott Cullather and Kristina McCoobery the husband and wife co-founders of INVNT™, the global live brand storytelling agency™ share their story of launching a scrappy start-up – at the beginning of a global recession – and evolving it into a fully fledged global agency business, discuss the power of live brand storytelling and provide tactics for incorporating it into wider marketing strategies, and reveal the next frontier of business success: predictive analytics.So whether you’re a budding entrepreneur considering going out on your own, a business leader looking to take your company to the next level, or CMO eager to build your brand, this book will help you blow sh*t up and take your projects, partnerships, and performance to the next level.“When I first met Scott and Kristina I was the marketing director for Mountain Dew. Now, thirteen years later, I realize how much the power of live storytelling benefited me throughout my entire career. There is nothing more powerful than a compelling story that is on brand, on message, but sticky. And boy do these two know how to craft stories like that.“LAUREN HOBARTPRESIDENT, DICK’S SPORTING GOODS“My entire life I have played sports in front of live audiences. I fully appreciate the power that a live event, be it a championship game or an interaction between family members, has in connecting the world. Scott and Kristina capture this incredibly well in Challenge Everything. And their personal journey is a wild ride!“MASON PLUMLEEPROFESSIONAL BASKETBALL PLAYERDENVER NUGGETS“I met Scott and Kristina two years before they launched INVNT and have watched them grow their business from day one. They understand, better than anyone, the importance of live events and the critical role they play in a brand’s narrative. In today’s digital economy the currency of “live” has increased exponentially. If you’re not reaching your constituents IRL (in real life) you’re missing the most impactful connection for your brand. Whether you’re growing a global business or creating a compelling brand story from scratch, you must read Challenge Everything - the most intuitive book on live narrative storytelling I have ever read.”MATTI LESHEMFOUNDER OF PROTAGONIST BRAND STRATEGYAND CO-FOUNDER AND CEO, WEIMARANER REPUBLIC PICTURES
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