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    The Guide to Financial Public Relations: How to Stand Out in the Midst of Competitive Clutter (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Guide to Financial Public Relations: How to Stand Out in the Midst of Competitive Clutter (English Edition). Giving readers easy-to-follow steps for showcasing their talents, The Guide to Financial Public Relations: How to Stand Out in the Midst of Competitive Clutter focuses on writing and getting published in the target market's trade magazines, newspapers, and journals. The author features effective writing and presentation tips with how-to-write methods for non-writers. The techniques are designed to help readers stand out above the crowd. The book outlines successful marketing plans and prospecting strategies showing readers how to build image and credibility, shorten the sales process, and create an endless stream of pre-endorsed sales prospects.

    Buch The Guide to Financial Public Relations: How to Stand Out in the Midst of Competitive Clutter (English Edition) PDF ePub

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