Beschreibung You've Got This: The essential career handbook for creative women (English Edition). Want to flourish in a creative industry such as entertainment, marketing, advertising, PR, design, photography, media or the arts?Would you love to score your dream job or start a business doing something you love and be earning a great income – but you aren’t sure how to make that happen?Then this is the career hack you’ve been waiting for.In You’ve Got This, two successful creative founders share their secrets for the very first time about what they’ve learnt in over twenty years of doing business – all so that you can get ahead.It’s full of practical advice and easily implementable tips on topics including how to stand out from the crowd by investing in your personal brand, negotiating a promotion, overcoming setbacks, managing your workload, mastering public speaking, and so much more.Refreshingly honest and indispensable, You’ve Got This will help you reach your creative and earning potential and find career fulfilment, without it sucking the life out of you.The working world can be competitive and fast-paced, and the unfortunate reality is that many clever graduates and smart professionals are struggling with feeling anxious or frustrated. And with recent world events, now more than ever many are assessing their values and motivations.But thankfully, there’s a way to take charge.And after reading this book, it’ll all be clear. Because trust us: you’ve got this.A portion of the proceeds from every book sold will be donated to two charities that support women: Fitted for Work and Life Changing Experiences’ SISTER2sister.
The Working Woman's Handbook: Ideas, Insights, and ~ In 2015 she founded The Working Womenâs Club, an international platform that provides creative women with the tools to network, share ideas, and grow their own careers. She is also the Founding Editor of Soho Houseâs online site, House Seven, the New York columnist for British business publication, Courier, and has contributed to publications including Elle, The Guardian, Dazed & Confused .
C1 Advanced - Cambridge Assessment English ~ Make the most of your handbook The best way to get the most from your handbook is to use the digital version. The digital version is updated more regularly. The digital version contains links which take you straight to related pages if you want to find out more. For example, you can read about Part 1 of the Reading and Use of English paper in the Tasks section, then click on the link to take .
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B2 First - Cambridge Assessment English ~ Make the most of your handbook. The best way to get the most from your handbook is to use the digital version. The digital version is updated more regularly. The digital version contains links which take you straight to related pages if you want to find out more. For example, you can read about Part 1 of the Reading and Use of English paper in the Tasks section, then click on the link to take .
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