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    The Ultimate Bid and Proposal Compendium: The reference guide to winning bids, tenders and proposals. (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Ultimate Bid and Proposal Compendium: The reference guide to winning bids, tenders and proposals. (English Edition). Finally! The Ultimate Bid and Proposal Compendium is the most comprehensive guide to winning bids, tenders and proposals. It's packed with lots of hands-on examples and best practice guidance to develop winning proposals.This well-structured and easy-to-read book shares insights to virtually all aspects of modern bid and proposal management.  It explains how customers evaluate your bid document and how you trigger their 'yes'. It delivers step-by-step guidance through the entire proposal process, from pre-proposal stages, proposal planning and bid qualificaton, writing convincing proposal text until price negotiation. It also covers in detail all the elements that a company needs to establish and staff a successful proposal organisation.The compendium is designed as a practical reference book for everyone involved in proposal development, regardless of the industry. It is for new hires as well as for experienced professionals.It is also a great reference for candidates undertaking the APMP Foundation or Practitioner exam.The Ultimate Bid and Proposal Compendium should be on every proposal professional’s desk!More information on www.proposal-compendium.com

    Buch The Ultimate Bid and Proposal Compendium: The reference guide to winning bids, tenders and proposals. (English Edition) PDF ePub

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