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    This is F*cking Sh*t.: A crap book, written in a weekend, about cheap, creative marketing during the pandemic.

    Beschreibung This is F*cking Sh*t.: A crap book, written in a weekend, about cheap, creative marketing during the pandemic.. The world is a pretty shitty place at the minute. There's no hiding that. But whilst it's OK to feel shitty, whilst it's OK to feel pissed off, what it's not OK to do is give up. And that includes giving up marketing. Pull ad spend, furlough people temporarily, scale back budgets, adjust strategy, but do not stop.Because if you give up marketing your business, this whole thing will be so much harder to come back from. In this book, Dan Kelsall, some creative director from some agency called Offended, gives his take on marketing during the pandemic - what's changed, what not to do, and the things you can do to be creative and get through this shit show. ALL PROCEEDS TO GO TOWARDS ESSENTIALS FOR THE ELDERLY IN THE UK DURING THE PANDEMIC.*Please note, this book was written and designed in a single weekend, so it's a bit...well...shit.

    Buch This is F*cking Sh*t.: A crap book, written in a weekend, about cheap, creative marketing during the pandemic. PDF ePub

    F*cking Good Content: : Kelsall, Dan ~ This is F*cking Sh*t.: A crap book, written in a weekend, about cheap, creative marketing during the pandemic. Dan Kelsall. 4.4 out of 5 stars 15. Paperback. £4.50. The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Get New Customers, Make More Money, And Stand out From The Crowd Allan Dib. 4.7 out of 5 stars 2,011. Paperback. £9.99. This is Marketing: You Can’t Be Seen Until You Learn To See Seth Godin. 4.5 out .

    Fucking Good Content eBook: Kelsall, Dan: ~ This is F*cking Sh*t.: A crap book, written in a weekend, about cheap, creative marketing during the pandemic. Dan Kelsall. 4.0 out of 5 stars 4. Paperback. ÂŁ4.50 . The End of Marketing: Humanizing Your Brand in the Age of Social Media and AI Carlos Gil. 4.9 out of 5 stars 32. Paperback. ÂŁ10.78. Google Analytics Breakthrough: From Zero to Business Impact Feras Alhlou. 4.5 out of 5 stars 40 .

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