Beschreibung The Early Stage Sales Development Playbook: A Guide for the Newly Hired SDR (English Edition). This straightforward, no-distractions guide to the sales development role at small- to mid-sized software firms will fast track your path to success in B2B sales. Get the inside scoop on everything from tools to mindset and jumpstart your sales career!In The Early Stage Sales Development Playbook, Kartheek Mulpuri and Ian Grover pair extensive real-world sales experience with methodical research to bring you the best practices you need to succeed as a sales development representative at an early stage company.How do I structure a successful outreach campaign?How do I increase communication response rates?How do I support my account executives, when given very little structure?How do I keep a step ahead of the competition?Find the answer these questions and more—if you're in or considering a career in technology sales, this book is for you. Up your game and edge out the competition with The Early Stage Sales Development Playbook!
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