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    Whole Book Marketing: An Indie Author's Guide to Selling Books (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Whole Book Marketing: An Indie Author's Guide to Selling Books (English Edition). Are you an indie author struggling to sell fiction novels? Is marketing your book overwhelming to you? Are you wanting to start buying ads, but don't know where to begin?If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the book for you. Let NYT's and USA Today bestselling author Victorine E. Lieske walk you through the process of learning what marketing is, and how to do it effectively. Victorine will tell you all the things she's tried that haven't worked, to save you the time and hassle. Don't make the same mistakes she did. Learn from someone who has been there and done it.In this book you'll learn:What marketing is, and what you need to know in order to sell books.Why defining your genre is so important, and how to do so.What different audiences are and why you need to know which audience you're marketing to.The best ways to find your audience.Why people buy books, and how this helps you.How to get people to subscribe to your newsletter.Best practices for writing a blurb.Amazon algorithms and why they are important.What an author platform is and what you should be doing with it.Victorine's tips on buying ads.What to do when nothing works.And more!Marketing your book doesn't have to take hours and hours. It doesn't have to be a daunting task. You don't have to feel like you're wasting time and nothing is working. Let this book help you discover what the top indies are doing to sell so many books. Order your copy today!

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