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    Become A Google Adwords Wizard: A Step-By-Step Online Business Guide For Monopolizing The Market With Google Analytics And Adwords (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Become A Google Adwords Wizard: A Step-By-Step Online Business Guide For Monopolizing The Market With Google Analytics And Adwords (English Edition). Have you ever thought about advertising your business on Google, but never could really figure out how to do it successfully? Take your business to the next level with more Pay-Per-Clicks! In this eBook, you will learn:- How to write an effective Google Ad by choosing specific keywords. Successful keywords will trigger your ad to be buying browsers. - How to maximize clicks and traffic for your website.- How to perform product marketing on YouTube via Google Adwords for Videos.- The difference between a Basic and Advanced Offer.

    Buch Become A Google Adwords Wizard: A Step-By-Step Online Business Guide For Monopolizing The Market With Google Analytics And Adwords (English Edition) PDF ePub

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