Beschreibung Extreme Agents Blueprint: A Step By Step Guide On How To Build And Run A Consistently Profitable Real Estate Sales Business.. Attention all Real Estate Agents who want to get more qualified leads, more sellable listings, and ultimately close more transactions in any economy.If you're looking to succeed with real estate sales, then this brand new book by real estate sales experts, Steve Merritt and Jesse Willoughby, is for you. It reveals how every real estate agent can understand how to build and run a consistently profitable real estate sales business in a new and evolving economy.In fact, here's just some of what you'll discover in the pages of this insightful new book: "Extreme Agents Blueprint".* How do you find deals fast and know what to say to them* What sources do you get leads from and how do you convert them* How to avoid working with clients you're not compatible with* The real secret of closing so that it's virtually automatic but still natural* What are best practices for creating a real business that leads to retirement* What is the best strategy for learning scripts (not what you think)* The keys to make your business profitable and predictable ... and much, MUCH More!Jesse and Steve both started selling real estate in a "bad economy" but what they learned from investing more than $106,000 in coaches and training, participating in masterminds and following a duplicatable model led them to be top producers in an industry that so easily succumbs to mediocrity! Never before have you had such a unique opportunity to have these PROVEN real estate sales principles given to you in a way that you can follow with or without experience. The authors take you by the hand and explain not only how to be extremely successful and NOT work ridiculously long and odd hours in the business, but also how to build and run a consistently profitable business!Most of what you need is instruction and encouragement from someone who has "been there and done that!" Get this book NOW and you'll be blown away at the real estate sales success you can achieve in the next year!"Extreme Agents Blueprint" shows you exactly how to get more qualified leads and shares step-by-step how get more sellable listings so you can close more transactions. So go ahead, click the add to cart button right now and you're on your way to real estate sales success!Who Is Steve Merritt And Jesse Willoughby And Why Should You Listen To Them?Steve Merritt: * Steve Merritt has been a licensed real estate agent since 2004. Since going full-time in the business in 2013 Steve has sold over 400 properties and won numerous sales awards. Some of these include the Remax Hall of Fame, Chairman's club (3x), top 10 in the state of Illinois, ICON Award and ranked in the top 1% of real estate agents in North America.* Steve is currently a broker at Exp Realty and is still personally selling over 50 homes a year. * He’s a published author, a coach and mentor to hundreds of agents.Jesse Willoughby:* Jesse started his real estate career as an appraiser, before moving on to do real estate sales volume over $153 million with a business partner at Legacy REA, an ERA brokerage and is now at eXp Realty of California. * Currently working as a leader at Extreme Agents VIP, Jesse is known for his online funnels, content marketing, and sales copywriting expertise. While his book and speaking engagements take him all over, Jesse is proud to call the San Francisco Bay Area home.So as you can see, Steve and Jesse are uniquely qualified to help you understand everything you need to know about real estate sales!Grab your copy of "Extreme Agents Blueprint" today and you'll have a condensed version of more than a decade of sales coaching and practical wisdom you can apply in any market condition.
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: Extreme Agents Blueprint: A Step By Step Guide ~ Extreme Agents Blueprint: A Step By Step Guide On How To Build And Run A Consistently Profitable Real Estate Sales Business. - Kindle edition by WILLOUGHBY, JESSE, MERRITT, STEVE. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Extreme Agents Blueprint: A Step By Step Guide On How To Build And .
JESSE WILLOUGHBY - ~ Extreme Agents Blueprint: A Step By Step Guide On How To Build And Run A Consistently Profitable Real Estate Sales Business. Mar 17, 2020 . by JESSE WILLOUGHBY , STEVE MERRITT ( 4 ) $0.99. Attention all Real Estate Agents who want to get more qualified leads, more sellable listings, and ultimately close more transactions in any economy. If you're looking to succeed with real estate sales, then .
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