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    Digital Thinking: Websites, Online Marketing, and so much more (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Digital Thinking: Websites, Online Marketing, and so much more (English Edition). This book is for any small business owner who wants to understand how digital literacy affects their marketing. Dig into the strategic why of using online efforts. This isn’t another trendy “how to” book; it’s a book to widen your perspective so that you can see where your customers are today and where they will be tomorrow. The internet is about inclusion, not isolation. It is about bringing people together, not shutting them into little bubbles.Digital is a foundational skill that you can apply to all aspects of your life, for years to come - no matter how quickly technology changes or trends rise and fall. If you’re not as tech literate as you’d like to be, that’s okay. Communication, online or offline, is not a contest - it’s a lifestyle. I have worked in the web industry since 1994, and have built more than 300 websites. I have worked on projects for clients around the globe making everything from small animated banners to large multi-language web portals.

    Buch Digital Thinking: Websites, Online Marketing, and so much more (English Edition) PDF ePub

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