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    Reputation Matrix: Five Strategies To Increase your Visibility, Credibility, and Positive Word of Mouth in the Community and Online (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Reputation Matrix: Five Strategies To Increase your Visibility, Credibility, and Positive Word of Mouth in the Community and Online (English Edition). Did you know that over 90% of new business comes from word of mouth?Did you know that there is an actual strategy for building buzz?The REPUTATION MATRIX guides the small business owner through 5 provenstrategies that will increase your visibility, credibility, and positiveword of mouth in the community and online.The REPUTATION MATRIX will be the most important marketing strategy youwill ever use."The Reputation Matrix turns small business marketing on its head. I am asmall business owner and thought that word-of-mouth was outside of mycontrol. Marjorie Young's book has empowered me to make word-of-mouth anactive marketing practice that I cultivate rather than something I justcross my fingers and hope to receive. This is a game changer!“ -MelissaGratias, Ph.D., Productivity Coach, Speaker, and Writer

    Buch Reputation Matrix: Five Strategies To Increase your Visibility, Credibility, and Positive Word of Mouth in the Community and Online (English Edition) PDF ePub

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