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    Win Paid Advertising: The Unconventional Marketer (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Win Paid Advertising: The Unconventional Marketer (English Edition). There is a reason most businesses fail in running paid ads: successful ads take EXTRAORDINARY EFFORTS. If you’re using the same strategy as everyone else, how will your ads stand out? Jason Burlin, known as the Unconventional Marketer, uses his twelve years of online marketing experience to write a cutting edge book that teaches the fundamentals of paid advertising in the 21st century.While exploring every inch of paid advertising, the book teaches marketing on a conceptual level to give businesses and advertisers a lifelong toolbox to create their own revolutionary advertising campaigns on any advertising platform. Using his experience advertising for hundreds of brands, and managing millions of dollars in ad spend, Jason wrote this book with one thing in mind: helping you win paid advertising for your business. Jason opens the book by teaching the fundamentals of advertising and discussing the methods that he used for his most famous success stories. He closes the book with recommendations of where to start in advertising and key points to remember throughout the process to launch successful marketing for your business. If you’re looking for romantic selling systems that sound too good to be true, marketing hacks, or “proven 8 figure strategies” then this book isn’t for you. There is no secret hack to marketing. This book is timeless, and the information in it will be priceless for your business. Once you read it, the way you look at marketing as a whole will change. What are you waiting for? Let’s win paid advertising.

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