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    The Art of SalesFu: 10 Steps to Selling Anything Over the Phone (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Art of SalesFu: 10 Steps to Selling Anything Over the Phone (English Edition). Sundance Brennan is a sales professional and coach with more than 20 years of experience in consumer direct sales. You can read his blog posts, which usually consist of sales rants and book reviews, at www.salesfumaster.com, Tweet him @salesfumaster, or join the conversation at www.facebook.com/groups/SalesFu/. He is also the founder of www.thesalesnerds.com You are in Sales. You feel overwhelmed, under pressure and your goals keep getting farther away. Your boss is on you to hit goal but he’s not the coach you need him to be. Have you seen the cost of the “Sales Guru” systems? Let’s face it, if you need a sales coach, you can’t afford one. Enter, The Sales Nerds. We’ve studied the Science of Sales. We’ll give you a plan, coach you through new skills, follow up and create new habits that will lead to new success. We don’t spend a lot of money on fancy video graphics and self-promoting, we just drop knowledge bombs.What you need is really smart content, copies of our books (like this one that gives you 10 easy steps to sales success!) and, access to a library of videos and podcasts for a cheap price, like $25 per month right? Good, because that’s exactly what we did.Go to www.thesalesnerds.com and sign up!

    Buch The Art of SalesFu: 10 Steps to Selling Anything Over the Phone (English Edition) PDF ePub

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