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    The Real Deal: Get Known for Your Genuine Expertise in an Era of Bullsh*t Gurus (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Real Deal: Get Known for Your Genuine Expertise in an Era of Bullsh*t Gurus (English Edition). GET KNOWN FOR WHAT YOU KNOW BEST.In an era where anyone can claim "guru" status, it's time for real-deal experts to push their way up to the mic and reclaim airtime from the phoneys. The Real Deal is a simple, no-nonsense guide to building a personal brand, audience, and client base around your hard-earned expertise. Focused on genuine experts who are building businesses as consultants and coaches, content marketing veteran Mary Kate Gulick illustrates an A-to-Z process to create the kind of content quality and volume that create breakthrough business results ... without the expense of a marketing department or advertising agency.✓ Uncover what your ideal client really cares about and most needs to learn from you✓ Build out your brand messaging foundation to showcase your unique know-how and personality in a way that can't be replicated✓ Develop a solid content strategy that focuses solely on your expertise and what you want to be known for✓ Start getting visible NOW with a Minimum Viable Content Experience✓ Create your Content Goldmine -- a major and meaty content piece that can fuel all of your digital content for a year or more✓ Select your social media and content distribution platforms (spoiler alert: you don't need to be on all of them)✓ Learn to nurture your new audience to become paying clientsThis time-tested content marketing approach will put you -- and your expertise -- in the spotlight.

    Buch The Real Deal: Get Known for Your Genuine Expertise in an Era of Bullsh*t Gurus (English Edition) PDF ePub

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